🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

The Never-Ending Birthday

There's a theme park attached to the Suzuka Circuit raceway. They have this deal where you can celebrate your third birthday for up to a month after the actual date. You get in for free and the others with you get in for half-price. Why? Because you need to be three to ride most of the rides!

So that's what we did last week. And it was a blast! I drove a motorbike, a car, and train! Daddy helped me get the train back to the station on time and I was rewarded with a special train license. Can't wait to go again.

Been having lots of other fun too. I went to the park with Mommy, Daddy, and Lucas to play baseball. And Grandma and Grandpa Kishita got me a kick bike for a birthday present too. It's red—because I like red. I was on the bike for over an hour the first day I got it.

My first Sports Day where Mommy and Daddy come to watch is coming up soon. I'm the center person for our group dancing. I hope I do well. But Mommy and Daddy will be proud of me and love me no matter what.

See you again next month! 👋🏻