🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

Ten Months

Getting close to being a whole year old! Still not walking, but getting close. I've been walking around while someone lets me hold onto them. Did a few loops around the kitchen this morning, actually. Until then, I'll keep crawling. I'm not talking yet either, but my range of syllables grows a little each week. I've been on a real da da kick recently, which Daddy seems to enjoy.

We're back in the US right now. Daddy said I needed to meet his Mommy and Daddy. They're really nice to me and had lots of stuff to play with waiting for me.

We went to a couple Cincinnati Reds games this first week. I don't understand the rules, so it's hard to get into the game. But all the different foods I see are pretty interesting. Last night, there were fireworks after the game. The colors were pretty, but I dozed off before they finished.