🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

One Year

First year, in the books! I'm a whole year old now. What a crazy year it's been. Mommy and Daddy took great care of me. Even though I gave them as much trouble as I could, they just kept doing their best. My grandparents were helpful too. 👵🏻

I've starting walking this past month. Mommy said I was a "toddler"—not a baby anymore. I wouldn't say I'm a skilled walker, but I'm getting there. I can walk down the hallway and I'm getting up some speed now and again too. Mommy got me some shoes, but they're kind of heavy so walking outside is still a ways away.

I started nursery school this month too. I haven't done a whole day yet. I'll start doing full days next week. Daddy says he misses having me around the house all day, but he also said he's able to focus more on work. I'm never happy to be dropped off there, but I'm able to play and join in class activities.

I've been sleeping around ten hours a night lately. Mommy and Daddy seems pretty happy about that. They don't seem so sleepy in the mornings now. They said it's because I eat so much solid food. My favorite thing right now is something Mommy calls "meat sauce". It's pretty yummy.

Looking forward to my birthday party this weekend. Wonder what kind of presents I'll get!