🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

Fourteen Months

Time marches on! I'm fourteen months old now and things are getting pretty exciting. I can walk around with ease and navigating small level changes is no problem. I still can't walk up the stairs without help from mommy or daddy, but I'm getting there. We've been going outside a lot lately, and walking around in the grass is just about my favorite thing to do now.

I had a big first last month. I went Trick or Treating for the first time! Daddy got me a Batman costume and we went around our apartment building. I got lots of snacks, but I couldn't eat most of them. But everyone was very nice and daddy got to dress up like Jon Snow. I heard he's knows nothing though.

It's getting colder lately, so I'm back in my sleepsack for bedtime. It's nice and toasty and makes sleeping a lot nicer. I'm looking forward to going to Okinawa later this month and see this ocean thing people keep talking about. 🌊