🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

Eighteen Months

I made it to 1 1/2 years today! I celebrated by putting on my shoes by myself for the first time. Daddy seemed really proud of me. I smiled and clapped for him to thank him for his excitement. I went to nursery school afterwards and was a good boy, not crying about saying "goodbye" to daddy.

I learned how to say a new word recently: shower. Well, my version of it is "showwa showwa", but close enough. Talking is a lot of fun. I can tell mommy and daddy what I want, even if what I want most of the time is breast milk. 🤣

I found out Grandma and Grandpa Pittman are coming to visit this fall. I'm excited to hug Grandma and smack Grandpa a lot. We're going to go to Kyoto (my first time) and hopefully we can see the monkeys in Arashiyama. It's going to be a lot of fun.