🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

35 Months

Getting pretty close to three years old! Daddy says a whole new world is going to open up. A lot of the toys I want to play with are rated for ages 3+. I'm hoping to get a push bike for my birthday this year.

We're getting ready to go to America at the end of the month. I'm going to get to see Grandma and Grandpa Pittman again! We're going to a bunch of Cincinnati Reds games, the zoo, the aquarium, and something Daddy's really excited about: The Rennaisance Festival. 🫅🏻

Lately, I've been sleeping in my own room by myself. I have a pretty complicated bedtime routine though. I have to bear crawl from the living room to the bedroom. I have to sit in on the bed with the blanket over my legs. Curious George has to be sitting up next to me. When our reading timer runs out, Daddy has to pick me up and sing four songs from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, then kiss my cheek, I kiss his, and then we blow each other a kiss as he exits the room. If any step is missed, I scream. Daddy's gotten very good about not missing any steps.