🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

28 Months

Happy New Year! I'm getting closer to becoming a big brother. Lucas is due to be born in just over three months. I know he's in mommy's belly and I said "Hi" to him last night. Daddy's been reading me a book called "The New Baby" recently so I learn what it's going to be like having a new baby around. I'm sure it'll be different, but I'll do my best to be a good big brother. Lots of stuff to teach him!

My great grandma passed away just after New Year's. She was always very kind and I'm going to miss her a lot. It was a nice service and I was a good boy during it. I probably won't remember her later, but I'm sure mommy and daddy will tell me stories about her and show me lots of pictures.

We just took an overnight trip to a hotel by the ocean this past weekend. I got in the hot spring bath and ate some yummy food. The next day, we went to the aquarium. I got to feed a penguin and touch a seal, a sea lion, and a dolphin! It was lots of fun and we came home and watched the Bengals game.