🦁Marcus Leo Pittman

21 Months

Daddy says that now that I'm more than twenty months old, it's time to start using Arabic numerals to say how old I am. I'm not sure what that means, but I trust him.

It doesn't seem like a lot has changed since last month, but I guess it has. I can climb over the side of my crib now. That means I can jump over to mommy and daddy's bed without having to ask now. Surprise!

My vocabulary continues to grow. I can put a few words together to make simple sentences. Usually it's when I'm asking for something and I add a "please". 🤭 Talking is pretty useful, it seems.

I found out grandma and grandpa Pittman are coming to visit this year. I'm excited to see them in person again. I give them hugs over FaceTime, but real ones are probably better. Since I'll have been living in Japan for a couple years now, I guess I'm ready to be their tour guide. 🇯🇵